Ears & Nails
City & Guilds levels 2 & 3 certificates in dog grooming as well as Canine First Aid and Emergency Treatment

Our Founder
Ear hygiene is something that all dog owners should take seriously and here at Impeccably Groomed, I do.
At each visit your dog’s ears will be checked for odour, discharge and inflammation. If any, or all, of these things are present, I will not clean or pluck the ears. I may even abort the groom as water in the ear could make things worse and be painful for the dog.
If there are no obvious problems with the ears, I will clean the visible inside. I will not delve into the ear canal as this is invasive treatment that is best left to a Vet.
Breeds with woolly coats, often need to have their ears plucked. This is because the ear canal can become blocked by the wool which, traps wax and dirt and impedes the air flow into the ears. This is a painless process and can be extremely beneficial is averting painful ear conditions.
Dogs with ‘flap’ type ears, i.e. Spaniels, or pricked ears, i.e. German Shepherds, do not need any hair plucked from the ear but do benefit from a regular ear clean.
A dog’s nails are always checked at each grooming session for wear, damage and condition. If they need clipping, this will be done. Care is always taken not to cut the quick.